
Monday, July 26, 2010

The Retreat and The Saved

25/07/10 Jakarta, is on hold Sunday night where we will know the jury veto power over who saved the day last Sunday 18/07/10.

"Putri Ayu", is a participant who is saved by the jury. Which according to the judges, Princess Ayu has a value of more than two other participants who signed in the bottom three positions.

Sunday 25/07/10 at 21:42 pm tonight, we already know all that Fay Nabilla, JP Milenix, and Klanting who enter third lowest position, because the poll results for Putri Ayu for a week to actually take on rank-2 while Indonesia is Looking for Talent .

Fay Nabilla is a participant eliminated last night by bringing mementos Rp20jt offerings with supermi Indonesian Talent Search.

Don't miss another news!!!

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