
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sheila Marcia persilahkan Anji cari pacar lagi

(Pixel.Indo) Artis Sheila Marcia tidak memiliki niat untuk menjalin hubungan serius dengan Anji 'Drive', (ayah biologis Leticia Charlotte Agraciana). Sampai saat ini, Sheila pun persilahkan Anji untuk mencari pacar lagi.

"Kalaupun Anji ingin punya pacar lagi itu terserah, nggak usah minta izin sama aku segala", ujar Sheila.

Sheila pun mengaku, saat ini belum mau untuk memiliki kekasih lagi. Perempuan berusia 21 tahun itu masih ingin konsentrasi merawat anak semata wayangnya.

Sheila merasa nyaman menjadi orangtua tunggal. Ia pun tidak masalah jika harus bekerja sambil merawat Leticia.
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Asuka Sawamoto HOT di perempatan jalan

(Pixel.Indo) Siapa yang tidak kenal "Asuka Sawamoto"? Ya... jika Pixel'Beauty sudah mengingatnya pasti ingat juga kontroversi saat ia menyanyi di jalanan dan mempertontonkan "ANU-nya"! Buat lebih mengingatkan, Cekidott aja deh beberapa koleksi fotonya yang "HOT" berikut ini!!!

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Jennifer Aniston Ingin Sperma

(Pixel.Indo) Jennifer Aniston, mantan istri Brad Pitt ini ternyata ingin segera hamil dan punya anak lhooo! Namun bukannya ia mencari suami lalu menikah, malah hanya menginginkan seorang lelaki yang mau menyumbangkan spermanya. Bagi para lelaki yang hobinya buang-buang sperma pasti segera membaca artikel yang satu ini. Duhh duhh...Cekidott aja deh!!!

Dalam perannya disebuah film yang berjudul "The Switch", Jennifer Aniston berperan sebagai Kassie Larson. Seorang wanita lajang berusia 40tahun yang ingin memiliki keturunan tanpa harus menikah ataupun memiliki suami.

Film ini seru, tegang, lucu, romantis. Jadi buruan tonton aja deh, film drama romantis hasil besutan sutradara Josh Gordon dan Will Speck yang berdurasi kurang lebih 100 menit ini.
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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Koleksi Foto HOT Tika Putri "Beredar di Internet Lagi"

(Pixel.Indo) Tahun 2009 lalu, telah beredar foto HOT Tika Putri didunia maya (internet). Kini, foto-foto itu kembali menjadi pembicaraan hangat di beberapa forum internet. Dan lagi-lagi "Cuma Mirip". Apa pendapat pakar telematika yah? Apakah "Cuma Mirip"??? Cekkidott deh!

Di 5 foto tersebut, perempuan yang mirip Tika Putri ini, terlihat mengenakan bikini bernuansa oranye dan hitam. Foto-foto tersebut diambil dari beberapa angle dan menggunakan lampu studio.
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Friday, September 24, 2010

Gracia Indri Reject So Singer In Instant

Gracia Indri pesinetron ready to wrestle the world of drag votes. Still have a chance, do not want to be a singer Gracia instant.

As an early career as a singer, Grace will recycle the song 'Dinda' who had popularized Kla Project. Gracia began vocal training.

With the entry of Grace into the world of drag votes, it does not mean he left the acting world. Grace just wanted to spread its wings in the world of entertainment.

"At first soap opera, now so well because the presenter had quit the soap opera. But that does not mean forgetting soap opera really, what could I ever bring up my name is not soap opera," said Gracia.
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Wwooww... Payudara Seorang Wanita Meledak!!!

(Pixel.Indo) Akhir-akhir ini banyak diberitakan "PAYUDARA" wanita yang pecah. Kok bisa ya???? Wwwaaahhh...berita ini memang menghebohkan, Pixel'Beauty bisa bayangin gak payudara yang pecah???? Cekiddoott ajah deh!?

Merseyside, tidak sedikit wanita yang melakukan operasi implan silikon pada payudaranya. Katanya sih buat menambah rasa percaya diri mereka, tapi dengan silikon murah seorang wanita malah mendapat petaka pada payudaranya. Payudaranya malah pecah hingga wanita itu menderita sakit parah.

Hanya demi mendapatkan dada yang membusung kedepan, Lindsey Easeman (27 tahun) rela mencari hutangan untuk membayar operasi implan payudaranya. Hasilnya memang memuaskan ukuran payudara yang semula 36B menjadi 36 DD.

Tapi ternyata kebahagiaan Lindsey tak berlangsung lama dengan payudaranya yang 36DD tersebut. Empat tahun setelah operasi, implan pada payudaranya pecah dan berakibat fatal hingga membuatnya sakit parah.

Lindsey adalah salah satu dari ribuan wanita Inggris yang terpikat oleh janji implan payudara murah yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan Prancis PIP (Poly Implant Prosthese).

Faktanya memang sudah ada sekitar 50.000 wanita di Inggris telah melakukan implan payudara dengan membayar 3.500 poundsterling (Rp 49 juta) atau sekitar setengah dari harga operasi payudara biasanya.
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Videonya Paris Hilton" alasan ia tidak datang ke Indonesia

(Pixel.Indo) Walau batal ke Jakarta Indonesia, Paris Hilton akan tetap launching tokonya Sabtu (25/9/2010). Rencananya launching tersebut akan dia luncurkan melalui video. Wahhh.... video apa yah???

Paris kini memang tengah menyiapkan video permintaan maafnya, dan alasanya tidak datang ke Indonesia. Rencananya, video tersebut akan di putarkan pada tanggal 25 September nanti.

Pada 25 September mendatang yakni hari Sabtu, meski Paris gagal ke Jakarta guna pembukaan tokonya "Paris Hilton Handbags and Accessories", launching toko tersebut akan tetap berjalan. Walau tadinya Paris sudah menyiapkan kejutan untuk fans-fansnya yang hadir di acara tersebut.

Paris memang seharusnya datang ke Jakarta untuk menghadiri pembukaan "Paris Hilton Handbags and Accessories" dan launching majalah Hello! Namun setelah tertahan imigrasi di Jepang, ia memutuskan kembali ke Amerika dan tidak meneruskan perjalanannya ke Indonesia dan Malaysia.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Asmirandah afraid to wear the headscarf in the film

Asmirandah have often come up with covered in soap operas or the film. Button was again covered for the film "Dalam Mihrab Cinta". Although frequent, it still turns out beautiful actress is also a little scared scarf.

"Dalam Mihrab Cinta" is an adaptation of the novel Love Verses author Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Drink commercials Silvi role as a piano teacher who wore a headscarf. He will be engaged to serve as Boy Hamzah Burhan.

Although the teacher plays the piano, Asmirandah not too dizzy to learn how to play the instrument. Which will often perform only the student playing the piano.(//detikhot.com)
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Leylarey Lesesne Suka Pamer Paha Sedikit Bokong "FULL KOLEKSI FOTO"

(Pixel.Indo) Leylarey Lesesne si artis pendatang baru ini ternyata ingin termasuk dalam artis yang hot. Rupanya ia terpaksa tampil seksi untuk mengejar kepopulerannya lho....!!! Cekidott aja deh koleksi foto seksi Leylarey Lesesne berikut!



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Miley Cyrus Tampil Vulgar di Paris

(Pixel.Indo) Miley Cyrus tampil vulgar saat mentas di Paris. Kini semakin beranjak dewasanya dia, Miley sepertinya ingin menjadi sorotan publik. Namun tidak karena prestasi keartisan-nya melainkan gaya berbusana yang dianggap terkesan berlebihan dan terlalu seksi buat anak seusia dirinya yang baru berusia 17 tahun. Walau memang cocok anak seumuran dia bergaya seperti itu.

Kepentingan Miley berada di Paris adalah untuk melanjutkan syuting film terbarunya berjudul "LOL" (Laughing Out Loud).
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Uli Aliani siap menikah setelah dipacari bule 4 bulan

(Pixel.Indo) Uli Aliani setelah dipacari bule bernama Elio Jezierski selama 4 bulan, ia yakin untuk menuju jenjang pernikahan. Meski usia hubungan asmaranya baru seumur jagung, Uli siap untuk menikah dengan Elio.

Uli pun sudah sangat siap menikah dan menjadi ibu dari anak Elio, karena memang ia merasa nyaman untuk menjadi ibu rumah tangga. Dara 24 tahun itu membayangkan akan mendedikasikan hidupnya sebagai ibu dari anak-anaknya.

Rencananya sebelum dinikahi Elio, Uli akan lebih dulu membangun karir baru di dunia hiburan. Setelah akting, cewek asal Bandung itu siap terjun menjadi penyanyi. hemm, kita tunggu aja yah single-nya!!!

"Kalo dibilang aji mumpung ya mungkin, soalnya waktu take, dibilang suaraku bagus. Sampai sekarang masih latihan vokal sama Bertha", ujar Uli.
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Monday, September 20, 2010

"Ohhh...Bawalah Aku ke Ranjangmu Sayang"

(Pixel.Indo) Sebenernya artikel apa sih ini??? Yang jelas Pixel'beauty semua bakalan rugi gak baca nieh artikel. Duh duh duh... gak sabar yah?? Eitsss, syaratnya 1, Pixel'beauty harus berumur 18th PLUS kalau mau baca! Okeeee!?!?

Ehemm hemmm....

Tentukan waktu yang tepat untuk anda dan pasangan bercinta. Sebaiknya, acara bercinta dirancang pada waktu yang tertentu. Siapkan acara bercinta anda dengan special.

Pilih waktu anda yang santai, hilangkan terlebih dahulu beban dan pikiran. Sebab, kesuksesan aktivitas seks juga ditentukan oleh apa yang membebani pikiran anda. Ahhahay....!!!

Setelah waktu dan tempat tersedia dengan baik. Suasana bisa anda setting dengan se-romantis mungkin. Putarlah lagu-lagu lembut yang mengiringi suasana romantic anda. Hhhuuuuaaaa.....!!!! Makin siph kan nieh bacanya!!

Siapkan suasana yang sedikit temaram. Ini memungkinkan bangkitkan gairah-gairah birahi yang terpendam. Putar film-film romantic kesukaan anda berdua. Duh duhh... siap-siap ada perang dunia ke-50 nieh di atas ranjang! Wkwkakak.....

Pakailah parfum kesukaan pasangan diseluruh tubuh anda. Semprotkan di bagian telinga, payudara dan paha. Sampai keselek dah yang nyium parfumnya, hhiiww!!

Biarkan pasangan mencium bau parfum tubuhmu dan mendekat kearahmu. Dengan baju seksi yang anda kenakan, coba goda dia dengan senyum nakal. Kemudian, perlahan mendekatlah kepadanya.

Anda bisa mengatakan bahwa tubuh indah anda ini adalah miliknya.

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Catherine Wilson "Adegan Ranjang Pengantin Pantai Biru"

(Pixel.Indo) Catherine Wilson akhirnya muncul kembali, dan tak tanggung-tangung nieh...!!! Pasalnya ia melakukan adegan ranjang. WWWaaawwww, kayak apa yach?? Sapa ya kira-kira lawannya dalam beradegan hot tersebut???

Di film "Pengantin Pantai Biru" garapan Nayato Fio Nuala tersebut, Catherine berperan sebagai Emily. Tidak hanya beradegan ranjang, ia juga harus melakukan adegan diperkosa.

Perempuan yang akrab dipanggil Keket itu mengungkapkan kalau adegan ranjangnya itu hanya trik kamera saja. Melakukan semua adegan syur itu, ia pun mengaku tidak sampai topless.

Selain Catherine, "Pengantin Pantai Biru" juga dibintangi Uli Auliani, Cinta Dewi dan Cynthiara Alona. Film tersebut pun akan diputar di bioskop pada 23 September.
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Zivillia (Indonesia) VS Soulja (Jepang) "PLAGIAT"

(Pixel.Indo) Wah wah wah... lagi musim plagiat nieh kayaknya. Ada band J.Rocks yang terdahulu kabarnya banyak menjiplak dari lagu band Jepang L`Arc~en`Ciel. Kini musimnya Aishiteru-Zivillia.

Gini lho... ternyata band Indonesia Zivillia melalui tembangnya yang laris berjudul "Aishiteru" dikabarkan adalah hasil jiplakan lagu Jepang "Koko Ni Iru Yo by Soulja".

Duh duh lagi lagi band Indonesia. Buat Pixel'beauty yang pengen bedain antara lagu Zivillia dan Soulja, Cekidot aja deh, aku kasih Youtube nya nieh! Aku baik khan??? hehehee.....!


Soulja-Koko Ni Iru Yo

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Olla Ramlan Pilih Musik Pop Dangdut

(Pixel.Indo) Eksis di dunia akting, model dan presenter, Olla Ramlan ingin mencoba jadi penyanyi. Olla pun mantap untuk memilih musik beraliran pop campur dangdut.

Untuk terobosan pertama, Olla tidak akan bernyanyi sendiri. Ia akan ditemani band Robin Hood untuk membawakan lagu bertajuk 'Gotcha'. Olla pun diproduseri penyanyi Rossa.

"Saya bisa nyanyi, tapi nyanyi bukan hal yang aku idam-idamkan. Tapi tidak obsesi. Tapi karena kebetulan diajak ya saya coba. Lagunya enak. Ngebeat juga pop, agak dangdut juga", ujar Olla ditemui di acara 'DahSyat', studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Senin (20/9/2010).

Awalnya Olla sempat mencoba menyanyikan lagu-lagu pop mellow. Namun ternyata menurut Rossa sangat tidak cocok dengan karakter suara bintang sitkom 'OKB' itu. Apakah Olla siap bersaing dengan artis-artis baru?

"Ya aku sih nikmatin dan jalanin aja", tutur perempuan berambut panjang itu ramah.(//detikhot.com)
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

4 Serangan seks dibenci pria "wanita harus tahu"

(Pixel.Indo) PRIA memang senang membicarakan seks, apalagi melakukannya. Tapi, pria juga menyimpan beberapa hal yang dibenci selama aksi ranjang. Jika Anda (para wanita) ingin menjaga gairah seks pasangan pria tetap membara, simak aksi seks yang tak disukainya. Berikut, seperti dibocorkan Betty Confidential.

Serangan berlebihan

Hanya karena kebanyakan pria menonton film porno, tidak berarti mereka mengharapkan pengalaman seksnya seperti adegan dalam film tersebut. Serangan berlebihan ketika ia mencumbu tubuh Anda, ia hanya akan mengira bahwa Anda berpura-pura menikmati seks. Tapi, Anda tak perlu menahan serangan jika memang kenikmatan itu Anda rasakan. Asalkan tak perlu berlebihan.


Pria ingin Anda aktif menyerang selama bergumul dengannya. Berbaring di ranjang tidak berarti Anda pasif dan pasrah menerima segala serangannya. Tak perlu sungkan jika ingin memulai seks. Gairah membara Anda akan membuat gairahnya juga terbakar.

Tubuh terlalu tinggi dan tegak

Ketika Anda di atasnya, tidak perlu memposisikan tubuh terlalu tinggi dan terlalu tegak. Dengan tubuh agak condong ke depan dan ketinggian yang pas, Mr P-nya tidak akan sakit saat penetrasi berlangsung.

Serangan terlalu kasar

Seperti halnya wanita, pria pun menyenangi kejutan seks, seperti saat Anda menggiringnya ke ranjang dalam keadaan mata tertutup atau muncul tiba-tiba dari balik pintu kamar dengan lingerie seksi saat ia menonton televisi. Tapi, ada satu lagi serangan tiba-tiba yang disenangi pria, yaitu cengkeraman pada Mr P-nya, tapi pastikan Anda melakukannya tidak terlalu kasar.
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PSP "Pengakuan Seorang Pelacur"

(Pixel.Indo) "Pelacur", siapa yang tidak tahu arti kata tersebut? Banyak pertanyaan mengenai kata tersebut mulai dari apa, siapa, bagaimana, mengapa, kapan, dimana, dll. Berikut PSP alias pengakuan seorang pelacur.

hai d’blogger...
Cooming soon film PSP (Pengakuan Seorang Pelacur). Teman-teman semoga suka dengan film drama pertama aku, jangan lihat judulnya tapi nilai dari film ini banyak sekali sebab akibat agar kita hati-hati.

Disini alhamdulilah Jenny di percayakan membawakan 2 sosok tokoh bernama Alisa (dari kampung) dan Jenny (dari Jakarta). Semoga film ini lancar tanpa hambatan, insya Allah november tayang.

"Karakter aku sebaliknya dari film-film aku sebelumnya wanita baik-baik.
makasi teman-teman", ujar Jenny.
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Emma Stone terserang asma gara-gara asyik beradegan seks

(Pixel.Indo) Aktris Emma Stone harus terserang asma ketika ia sedang asyik beradegan seks. Kok bisa yah?

"Saya dapat serangan asma ringan, tanpa saya tahu kenapa saya kena asma. Ketika kami sedang bergerak naik turun berjam-jam dan berteriak juga mengaduh di atas ranjang pada saat adegan seks", ujar Emma.

Emma memang harus melakukan adegan seks dalam film terbarunya "Easy Al". Dalam film tersebut, Emma memerankan tokoh Olive.

Dimana diceritakan dalam sebuah pesta, Emma harus pura-pura ngeseks dengan seorang pria kuper dari SMU-nya. Jika pria tersebut berhasil bercinta dengan seorang gadis, maka ia tidak akan dikerjai lagi di sekolah.

Bintang film 'Ghosts of Girlfriends Past' itu mengaku sangat malu dengan kejadian tersebut. Ia juga khawatir dengan omongan para kru di lokasi syuting.
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Friday, September 17, 2010

5 cases in Asia's hottest sex

Always has been the subject of sex scandals and hot-selling, especially if the perpetrator is a well-known public figure. The case for distributing celebrity sex videos or famous people can certainly be a big case. Moreover, if it occurs in Asian countries which adhere to traditional oriental and tend to be conservative.

Exciting video scandal that allegedly involved three Indonesian celebrities, namely Cut Dance, Luna Maya, and vocalist Nazriel Irham aka Ariel, not less horrendous to be a broad discussion. Now, the case still continues in the police investigation. Ariel was still languishing in jail Police Headquarters to undergo the trial that his case.

Here are five other cases of distributing obscene videos and pictures in various countries in Asia:

Actors: Chu Mei-feng, Taiwan's female politicians
Case: In 2001

Actors: hip-hop artist, Edison Chen
Case: In 2008

Actors: Star adolescents, Hoang Thuy Linh
Case: 2007

Actors: Katrina Halili, an actress who never included in the list of "FHM Philippines Sexiest Woman" in 2006 and 2007.
Case: 2008

Actors: Anya Ayoung-Chee, Miss Trinidad and Tobago, 2008, Hiroko Mima, Miss Japan 2008 (speculation).(//kompas.com)
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Secrets of Kamasutra "achieve orgasm in sexual relations"

Sex is an activity that can lead to pleasure and enjoyment. This activity will certainly be something very unusual if it can achieve orgasm. But what kind of sex can produce powerful orgasm?

Here's the recipe to make love to be able to produce powerful orgasms:

Do not grumble:

No single man or woman who wants to listen to ravings partner when in bed. This will certainly affect the process of getting pleasure during intercourse.

Avoid says the couple are overweight or look older. It will hurt her and make it not in the mood again to make love with you. Now it's time you launch the words of praise that can toss her feelings.

Take him to have sex:

First sexual activity often lead to insecurity for each pair. In fact, among them also claim to be difficult to do so. No wonder when they then seized with anxiety and worry if the show did not have sex at first night
sweet fruit.

To tackle the problem, you need not fear. You simply give signals in love with him so willing to have sex.

Set respiration:

This small, often overlooked during intercourse is to regulate breathing. Arrange respiratory sexual activity so that you both are not disturbed. One good method of relaxation that is inhaled a deep breath and throw it away slowly. Do it this way many times so you do not feel tense before the start of sex activity.

Make changes:

You need to change the style and sex positions different from usual. As a result, the pair grew even more vibrant every time with sexual stimulation.(//1001teknikseks.blogspot.com)
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Julia Perez look sexy in soap opera

Julia Perez will still look sexy in the soap opera debut, as he sang and competed in the big screen.

Jupe will star in soap opera film titled "Superboy", in his role he will act together Hengki Kurniawan.

The first time he starred in his role, he will be more antagonistic role in the actual movie as children's film about a super hero.
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why do women develop breast size?

Why does a woman developing breast size? There are large some small, why can happen this way?

According to Esther Labi bra fitter, there has been a sharp increase in breast size in lean women, especially adolescents with very large breasts to cup size F or G.

Women's health experts quoted by the Times of India pages blaming various environmental and hormonal factors related to breast growth is not perfect.

But many more experts that states if the growth of the less well and causes no maximum breast size is an inappropriate use of the bra breast size, as well as lack of nutrients that are consumed because they want to look slim but instead slowed the growth of breast.

If a woman is experiencing puberty at the age of 12 years, the size of the breasts can be more developed than the older age of puberty, because puberty can increase the amount of fat around the breast.(//endonesia.com)
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Gay & Lesbian ? = Lady Gaga wearing costumes raw meat

Lady Gaga controversial singer performed again. He was wearing a dress made of raw meat while attending the MTV Video Music Awards. His appearance was to defend gays and lesbians.

Gaga previously been wearing similar costumes as the cover of Japanese Vogue September 2010 edition. It's just that moment, his body wrapped raw meat that is made like a bikini.

On Sunday (12/09/2010) and then when appearing at the MTV Video Music Awards, Gaga over again. This time with more horrendous. Raw meat is not only worn as a dress, but also shoes and handbags.

Gaga previous action had been invited protests from the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). PETA considers chanter 'Alejandro' is cruel because it uses beef animals for clothing.

The protests are not only coming from PETA, vegetarians also criticized the action Gaga. Liz O'Neill of the Vegetarian Society, for example. According to Liz, the singer was 24 years old should be able to see how miserable the animals.

Reuters, Tuesday (14/09/2010), appearing on talk show Ellen DeGeneres, Gaga also explains the action costumed meat. He wore it to defend human rights, especially gay, lesbian and bisexual.

"If we do not defend what we believe and do not fight for our rights, we will be in the same boat with the meat attached to our bones. And I'm not just a piece of meat", he said.(//detikhot.com)
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There is a shrine behind the backs Angelina Jolie

It's no secret when the sexy actress Angelina Jolie has a tattoo on his body. Stars 'Salt' was very much in love these tattoos. Last Jolie made tattoos are considered sacred. What's that tattoo?

Jolie open-opener about the tattoo on his body in the Australian magazine, the Post-Modern Ink. "I love the tattoo-tatoku it. Tattoos are body art," says the mother of six children was about the tattoos on his body, as reported by Showbizspy, Tuesday (14/09/2010).

The actress called Brad Pitt as the most noble-hearted woman, asserted that women have a tattoo was not a woman that is not normal. Jolie's latest tattoos are tattoos made of five vertical lines that form the ancient writings of Cambodia. Tattoos are created on the backs Jolie. "It looks very sacred," said Jolie.

Despite its many sacred tattoos, Jolie remains highly favored his dragon tattoo. Dragons, for women born in Los Angeles, California, United States, July 4, 1975 that have profound meaning. Jolie made a dragon tattoo while in Amsterdam. Creating the dragon tattoo that is very impressive for Jolie.

"My dragon tattoo may be a very big surprise. I always wanted a dragon, but this one is funny because it has a blue tongue. To me the dragon is female, strong and elegant," said the actress who is also the UN Humanitarian Envoy.(//detikhot.com)
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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sexy dangdut singer got a lot of money for each gig

Mela Barbi, Bogor origin dangdut singer, admits always get plenty of money at every stage of action.

No wonder with her looking very sexy and hot always invite the men who watch it exhaustively. He always gets the excess money saweran by men who wanted to be close to her when she was singing.

Here's a hot video center stage Mela Barbi

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Aishiteru "Sexy Video Lipsing Live"

Wwwaaaawwwww, after an uproar video lipsing "Keong Racun" by Shinta and Jojo, now has a longer circulating lipsing more sexy.

The song "Aishiteru" which was popularized by the Band Zifhilia was not just a pop in his version, now in two sexy singers, this song is sung in a version of dangdut.
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Want Pregnant - What Is the Relation to Sex?

Want to get pregnant, what must often have sexual relations? The answer is dependent from each pair.

Because there is no specific number that can determine how many times a person must engage in sex to be pregnant. There are women who get pregnant with intercourse only once but others require more time.

If your partner has normal sperm in quantity and quality, you can do every day during your fertile period. So the amount and quality of sperm your partner affects how often you need to have sex to be pregnant.

So the real question should be reversed that is how 'often' you have sex on the 'time' the best or right for the occurrence of conception.

Based on the theory that it can be suggested is that you should 'not have sexual relations' for 3-5 days before entering the fertile period, then you can have sex every day starting from 2 days before ovulation (fertile period) until three days afterward.

Remember the most important thing when making a sexual relationship you both enjoy and feel comfortable with what you are doing.

If you have sex every day and just feel depressed so will only increase the stress that would complicate the conception.
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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dakota Fanning wants a normal life

Los Angeles, "Dakota Fanning" girl born February 23, 1994 in Georgia, the United States wants a normal life, just like most girls her age.

Although the title as one of Hollywood's top actress, Dakota Fanning does not feel happy. 16-year-old Dara wish I could live a normal life.

He wanted a normal life like other girls. A full life with her family and doing normal things done his girl's age.

Dakota also wants to do the things he had done. Obviously, there are things outside of his life as an actress.

Hannah Dakota Fanning won fame at the age of seven years. At that time, he collided acting with senior actor Sean Penn in 'I Am Sam'.
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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Kareena Kapoor refused hot scenes with five men

Star '3 Idiots' Kareena Kapoor's acting immediately showcase the newest in the film Madhur Bhandakar. But Kareena refused to do hot scenes with five men in the film.

Kareena reportedly asked for changes in Madhur scenario. Although he had never done hot scenes with Saif Ali Khan's girlfriend in 'trailers', Kareena was not prepared to repeat the same scene, or even more hot, especially with five different men. Quoted by the Hindustan Times, Sunday (05/09/2010).

"I used to really want to do hot scenes, because with my lover. But now I'm not ready to make a similar hot scenes, especially with five other actors," said Kareena.
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Julia Perez "God Willing I'm Not Moving Faith"

Actress Julia Perez underwent different relationship with her boyfriend Gaston Castano beliefs. If married, Jupe also insisted he would keep embracing Islam.

"God willing, I'm not converting, so it is with Gaston," Jupe said when met at the Archery Stadium, Senayan, South Jakarta (09/04/2010) night.

Star Movies 'Istri Boongan' that choose to remain with their respective beliefs if he and Gaston will be married. According to these differences will not be a barrier.

"With this we can respect each other and are important for us to be good," said Jupe.

Jupe was then pointed out what he meant with respect to each other. At this Ramadan for example, Gaston began to learn fast.

"Gaston is now beginning to learn fast and it's probably a blessing for me", clearly Jupe.(//detikhot.com)
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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Shanty prepare final legacy before moving to Hongkog

Shanty singer and actress will soon accompany her husband, Sebastian Paredes, lived in Hongkong. Shanty was preparing something that will be his last legacy in the entertainment world.

Last relic was presented Shanty through a book. The book is not about her autobiography. The book contains about his experiences during his stay in the world of entertainment as well as Indonesian music scene.

The book was already written Shanty today. Actually, he hoped to finish it as long as he is still in Indonesia.

"But I think not possible. So I will continue writing in Hong Kong and will be a new rush me there", said the film star 'Red Cobex' it.

Actually, what makes Shanty moved to write a book? "So far I have seen so many young kids who want to be artists but they do not know exactly how the world artists", he said.

Shanty In his book will provide real world glimpse how the artists who are often identified with the glamor. "I think the artist was so nice, quick job, money a lot, although it was a big mistake", he said later.

Women with full name Annissa Nurul Shanty Kusuma Wardhani Heryadie was hoping the book could be released in December 2010. "This book will be the last remnants throughout my career", Said Shanty.(//detikhot.com)
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Friday, September 3, 2010

Lady Gaga repeatedly admitted to hospital

Lady Gaga the singer has suffered a wrong diet. Yo-yo dieting which she lived cause he was hospitalized six times in the hospital.

People who diet yo-yo dieting to lose weight, but then increased again after stopping the diet weight. Diet programs that are not consistent body that can give adverse effects to the body.

Quoted by The Sun, Friday (9/3/2010), the former tour manager Gaga, David Ciemny, disclose bad yo-yo dieting is doing the Poker Face it. In 2009 then, Gaga had six times should be treated in the hospital because of the diet.

The first time you diet, Gaga was successfully lose weight up to 9 kg. But after that it's wrong diet. 'Singer' Bad Romance 'was never admitted in Ciemny if he had not eaten for a week to get dressed up acting.

"When I said she was sick, which I mean both mentally and physically," explained Ciemny.

But it seems now Gaga has changed. Quoted by CNN, Friday (3/9/2010), a singer who duet with Beyonce on the track 'Telephone' diet was the wrong lesson. He does not want any more such sudden fainting at concerts in New Zealand, beginning in 2010 and then.

According to her choreographer, LaurieAnn Gibson, Gaga is now more diligent in maintaining their health. To maintain his stamina, Gaga diligent salsa dancing.(//detikhot.com)
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Forbidden Love Aurelie Moeremans

The love story between Aurelie Moeremans and Roby Tremonti is probably appropriate for the song "Cinta Terlarang" which was popularized by The Virgin.

The reason there is no blessing of their love from their parents respectively. Aurelie's father, Jean-Marc Moeremans Roby has been accused of brainwashing their children to do it. However, the accusation was immediately denied Roby, according to the love story they both are sincere no-frills brainwashing.

Soap Stars 'Angel's Diary' was also admitted, his reputation has been stained by Aurelie father. Earlier images revealed mesranya Aurelie father with her 17 years to the National Commission on Children. According to him, Jean-Marc attitude of excessive and even detrimental to his own daughter.

In the picture looks Aurelie and Roby were making out. On the bed, Aurelie Roby looks almost kissed her cheek.
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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rachel Taylor threatened to kill girlfriend

Movie star of 'The Transformers' Rachael Taylor is now very frightened because he was threatened that her lover was killed by Matthew Newton.

Rachael has been reported that Matthew's behavior to the court. In court papers written when he reported acts of violence that has been done Matthew. The violence that occurred in August 2010 and then when they're on vacation in Rome, Italy.

At that time, Rachael said Matthew attack. Starring Maggie in the movie 'The Transformers' is also suffering from a concussion and bruises.

It's the rude attitude of the lover, Rachael has also had to get treatment at a hospital in Los Angeles. At that time the lips, arms and knees scraped. 26 years old girl was admitted lover banging his head on the floor and walls.
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Mary Jane in the new movie 'Spider-Man'

Actress Kirsten Dunst certainly will not play again Mary Jane's character in latest movie 'Spider-Man'. Reportedly, Lindsay Lohan, who just released from prison after the role.

If Lindsay managed to get that role, he will compete acting with the young actor Andrew Garfield. Stars of 'The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus' it has been ascertained role as Peter Parker.

'Spider-Man' will be directed by Marc Webb and James Vanderbilt as a writer. That movie was targeted for release on July 3, 2012.
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Eva Longoria sexiness look away Thierry Henry

Eva Longoria to appear hot and sexy. no wonder all eyes darting men would see her body.

Thierry Henry is one of his victims. Henry's eyes do not get out to see a very sexy thigh Eva's.
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Sandra Bullock happy because Louis

Sandra Bullock is now happy because the right of ownership Louis, the seven-month-old baby boy he gained from the adoption.

With the presence of Louis, he gradually began to rise and get rid of pain caused by the failure of households with Jesse James, who sparked the case of sexual pelecehean.

Bullock may have influence and has always been the center of attention in Hollywood. Different things when he was at home, Louis had been the center of attention Sandra.

Sandra looks very happy when talking about Louis, who was nicknamed Little Cajun Cookie
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Jessica Alba look sexy and exotic

Jessica Alba is now to look sexy and exotic. Darken his skin so he looks more brown.

Jessica had to look sexy and exotic while attending the Venice International Film Festival 67. Jessica looks more brown.
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Goo Hye Sun

Who among all the female actresses actresses and models make up / make over who has the best natural skin, beauty, and captivating?

Survey was held from August 24 to 31, with questions such as those mentioned above. 1442 turned out to vote, or about 32.7% chose Goo Hye Sun, of all the total votes that chose the 4343 vote.

With this, Goo Hye Sun was ranked first as an actress who has a captivating natural skin, beauty, and attract many men. In accordance with his background as one of the pretty-faced figure on the internet, one of the features of the best Goo Hye Sun is bright white nan who gave her a nickname, Flour Doll (Doll Starch).

Park Shin Hye followed behind, ranked second with 16.3% of the vote, because his cheeks and his skin is too smooth. Go Hyun-Jung was ranked third with 7.9% noise, for netter thought to have skin that does not seem to age.
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Katy Perry paid USD 3 billion per week since "The X-Factor"

Singer Katy Perry was offered a permanent judges in the talent search competition 'The X Factor' and would be paid USD 3 billion / week.

Simon Cowell is the founder of the event, said he was fascinated by his appearance as a juror Katy guest on 'The X Factor' UK. Simon wanted a complete woman named Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson became the first person on the list of jurors 'The X Factor' that will appear next year.

Jennifer Lopez's previous name into the name fairly considered, Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon as well. But Katy appearance when in Dublin makes Simon very impressed.

Katty did not expect to get a bid into the search arena judges of talent, even very large fee is USD $ 3 Billion / week.

Katy addition, personnel Pussycat Dolls, Nicole Scherzinger is also rumored to be a juror in the event. 'The X Factor is a singing talent search event that originated in England.
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