
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Andi Soraya "One Fate With Lindsay Lohan"

Andi Soraya If so go to jail, meaning he kinship with Hollywood star Lindsay Lohan. Star Movies 'Ghost Peak Coming Months' even that's resignation.

This was stated by the manager Andi, Tata Liem, when contacted via cell phone detikhot, Sunday (29/08/2010). Tata said, Andi consider prison as pesantren.

Just to remind, in 2008 and Andi had caught a case of persecution and has entered trials. In such cases, Andi was found guilty and sentenced to three months in jail. Andi found to have violated Article 351 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code of mild abuse against a woman named Sri Sukaesih.

However, when the judges do not directly ordered Brenda to jail. Judge Brenda for providing the opportunity for appeal on the decision of three months in jail. Unfortunately, the appeal filed by the movie stars 'Ghost Peak Coming Months' was rejected. Now Andi was threatened in prison in Rutan Pondok Bambu.(//detikhot.com)

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